It was Saturday, January 31st. All I wanted him to do was help me load a heavy chair from my garage into a borrowed truck. Simple. I was 45; he had just turned 29. The following Friday we decided to get married and did so three weeks later, exactly four weeks after that fateful Saturday when my life changed forever.
On February 28, 2013, we celebrated our 26th anniversary. He still thinks I’m eye candy and I still think he’s the sexiest, most wonderful man in the world.
I know exactly what I did to go from twice-divorced and miserable to meeting the man of my dreams in a few short weeks. What I did is the subject of this blog and my book, “Ten Weeks to Love.”

Great Marriage. Great Divorce.
In many ways, I’ve lead a charmed life, at least when comparing my life to that of other authors who’ve chronicled personal experiences, some unimaginable, horrific. Many of these writers have been women, and a surprising number of them young… Continue reading
Love and the Matador
First, please understand that I do NOT support bullfighting in any way! It is inherently one-sided and not in favor of the bull! That said, there is a certain grace and skill and beauty in the way matadors move in and around the bull from which we can learn something about communication and relationships!
The more confident and certain one is about one’s own viewpoint (matadors are VERY confident about their abilities to deal with a charging bull), the easier it is to remain oneself while listening to the opinions of others even when they differ from our own!
Love, Abuse and Weinstein, et al
I just reread my three-part post on abuse (March 2015) and what might be the beginning baby steps from humanity to inhumanity. My thoughts on the subject are today what they were then: placing too much emphasis on the differences between men and women does not serve either and opens the door to justified abuse.
It’s nice to balance an intense subject like depravity with visions and reminders that life can be beautiful and magical, as it is with me when I’m with my horses. Problems always waft away when I’m with them. Bazan is still my dream horse. And while Miata is no longer with us in form, she lives in my heart.
Planning Divorce, continued…
It really does sound negative to say couples should plan for divorce. I totally get it! So let me explain further.
Per the 1975 Edition of the World Book Dictionary, the verb “plan” is “1. to think out beforehand how (something) is to be made or done…” We could just as easily say we are planning for failure, with divorce being at the tail end of failure for a marriage. Either way, facing the sometimes awful reality that even the best relationships can sometimes end, it behooves us to face the possibility and deal with it before the even unlikely event of it actually happening. I again refer to the lifeboat example.
Son Josh with his fiancé Marina from Moscow. This is a beautiful couple in every way: smart, loving, respectful, fun. They are a great team!
Talking Divorce Before the Wedding Could Save the Marriage!
I know, “What the hell is she talking about?! How on earth could talking about divorce, especially before the wedding, possibly save a marriage?!”
When you go on a cruise, one of the first things the ship’s Captain has you do is lifeboat drills. No one really expects their cruise ship to sink, but knowing what to do beforehand, lets everyone sleep better and enjoy the cruise without the added stress of “what happens if…?”
Me and my main squeeze last year. On February 28, 2017, we celebrated our 31st anniversary. He still calls me his “trophy wife!” OMG!