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Arielle Ford

Arielle  FordMany months ago, I had the good fortune to pick up a book called The Soulmate Secret by Arielle Ford. I had purchased it and other books in the relationship genre to see what authors and experts were doing–what they were saying, what advice they had to offer, and how well and compellingly they were communicating their messages.

Arielle has had a successful career as a publicist, PR person, producer and author (and probably lots of other things). And I know from reading her book, that helping people find the loves of their lives ranks high on her list of accomplishments.

I’m so glad that I stumbled upon this book–and its author–because her story (and those of others) offered great hope that finding one’s soul mate was possible even when one had failed numerous times before, regardless of age. The message was solid and the writing was so smooth and easy to follow (as one who’s been in the corporate training profession, I know that just knowing one’s business does not always mean that one can convey their expertise in a manner that others can easily grasp).

Add to that, is my delight in finding true parallels in what she discovered to what I had discovered almost 27 years ago! How nice that we can both be right and in so doing, help others (I love collaboration with the right people)!

Here is how to find out more about Arielle and her books and all the other stuff she does: and I do not consider Arielle and I competitors in this market (never mind that she’s very well known and I’m just starting out)! Sometimes it takes hearing a similar message many times and from multiple sources before it registers and awakens in us, the awareness and understanding that we need in order to make fundamental changes to improve our lives.

Yours in love,


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