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Pinch Me! Ouch! Do it Again!

charleyI do have to pinch myself regularly to make me realize—yet again—how very fortunate I am to have met and married my wonderful husband Charley. On February 28, we will celebrate our 26th wedding anniversary. Aside from the fact that the time has gone by rather quickly, that time is full of grand and exciting, meaningful and memorable experiences.

It is not that life has been easy these many years; we have had our adventures! But I have to pinch myself (there I go again!) at how well we figured things out together. Frankly, there’s not much that has happened over the past 26 years that doesn’t make me smile, inwardly if not outwardly. Or make me laugh, which I like even better.

Photo: Charley on a photo safari with friend and fellow photographer Christine Murphy.

So when I meet someone who appears, on the surface, to “have it all,” only to discover that he or she is miserable, unhappy, and frustrated in their relationship, I want to tell them that it doesn’t have to be that way! I know. I was miserable, unhappy, frustrated……yada yada yada….and I wouldn’t go back to that if my life depended on it.

It’s not about giving up living well, by the way. In fact, it’s not about giving up anything of value—true value—like personal integrity, passion, loving and being loved. It’s more about what you get in the bargain when you get honest with yourself.

Here comes the commercial: Get and read my short book, “Ten Weeks to Love!” (exclamation point added for emphasis!). It may not solve all your problems, but it just might help you figure some things out that will help you have the happy and fulfilling relationship you want and deserve.

Otherwise, I’m just flappin’ my gums! (So attractive!)

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